Jobs and Training Transport

Job? Training? Let's talk transport

How we can help.

Area Connect jobs and training transport is a flexible transport solution in regional areas of Tasmania.

We help you get to work or training if access to transport is limited or unavailable.

About Area Connect: We connect to employment - We transport you to work, interviews, and appointments with employment providers.
About Area Connect: We connect to training - We transport people to a trade training centre or other vocational training program.
About Area Connect: We connect with existing public transport - We can transport you to the closest public transort service (where available) to get you to work or training.

How it works.

Our coordinators will develop a free and personalised transport plan with you or your service provider to help you get to work or training. This plan may include providing transport in one of our minibuses, or linking in with existing public transport services.


  • operate Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
  • are a shared service
  • are a short-term solution.

We won’t:

  • compete with or duplicate existing public transport services.


Learn more about jobs and training transport

Area Connect local coordinator in East Coast, Steve, in Area Connect bus sticking his thumb up

Local coordinators

Find the contact details of your local coordinator to learn more.

Local coordinators work with a number of services to help you get to work and training.

Who we work with

Find out who we work with to help remove transport barriers.

Get in touch with our friendly support team